Please Elaborate!!!!!

So in week 4 we were asked to do a number of actives to start our unit plan for assignment two. One task was selecting the appropriate criteria for a unit plan from Standards Elaborations off of the QCCA website. I found myself questioning this stage; I think trying to catch up on course material in one day was not the best idea with content descriptors, elaborations, standard elaboration, general capabilities and more all merging into a mist of jargon overload.

After chucking all my toys in the corner out of confusion, I decided it would be best to talk things through with my wife. I am luck that she has completed her Graduate Diploma in teaching, so isn`t clueless on the subject. We were soon able to begin to translate the jargon and see exactly what standard elaborations were and how they corresponded. As normal, I was over thinking the subject and standard elaborations aren`t that bad. Judging by the forum and Facebook posts, I wasn`t the only person who became confused by this stage. I think our tutor David could see frustration and confusion brewing so he created another Moodle book that made things much clearer. The subject was also covered extensively within the way station adding further clarity to the subject.

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